CAC Certification
CAC Certification ensures that the conditions for well-executed workshop activities are in place. This includes continuing education, technical data, diagnostic equipment, eco-friendly waste disposal methods and tool control. The inspection visits are carried out annually in all affiliated workshops. During the inspection the consultant looks at the workshop from the customer’s point of view, and examines the workshop's own documentation. Finally, the consultant will offer suggestions for improvements. The result is shown in the scoring system ranging from 1 to 5, with 5 being the maximum score.
The CAC Certification is controlled by the Danish Technological Institute, and is a review of the workshops:
• Operating procedures, including the use of a service checklist
• Access to data that is checked for ongoing updates
• Education, which is supported and optimised with new courses
• Self-auditing of the daily work and routines that are evaluated and optimised
• Tools, testers and special tools, including continual calibration
In addition, the workshop is required to comply with the decisions of “Ankenævn for Biler” (a net-based appeal tribunal for car-owners). If the workshop does not comply, the certification will be annulled instantly. If the matter is brought to the civil court, the decision of the court will be decisive for the membership.

For more information about CAC certification, please visit